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First time ever!

Aaron & Sarah

Josh seemed happy; but he was painfully recovering from a very dark and lonely season of life.

After some long conversations and a couple of new Cru friends later, Josh went ALL IN with Jesus.

In fact, this summer Josh led a first ever “Summer Cru” at his community college!

But it wasn’t just him, Josh empowered 9 other student leaders to help him grow a gospel community!

Students like:

Jmiah: She attends the same college as Josh but at a different location...

Yet she commuted to Josh’s campus to help and make a difference.

Jamal: He attends the same college and campus location as Josh, but did not have any summer classes...

Yet he drove to campus to help and make a difference.

Armonie: She had no way to get to campus...

So she paid for an Uber each week to get to campus to help and make a difference.

“I wanted to give others the same opportunity that you gave me, Mr. saw something in believed in me,” Josh shared.

Read more about one college's first ever Summer Cru!

In appreciation of your love & support,

-Aaron & Sarah


Gospel hope for a searching and weary world.


100 Lake Hart Drive

Orlando, FL 32832

(888) 278-7233                                            

© 2022 by Aaron & Sarah

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